Friday, June 19, 2015

Metroid's Resurrection and why a 2D game would be fine too

Since Nintendo's jump into the video game market, the Metroid series has been a big part of their history. With a major title on nearly every console, the series definitely has a longstanding history with Nintendo as one of their core titles. Nintendo even broke boundaries with the option to make Samus Aran a female, making her one of the original female protagonists in the gaming world. With the evolution of gaming, games are constantly pushing the boundaries on what current technology is capable of and Metroid is also one of the titles that has undergone one of these major changes. From a 2D side scrolling platform in the late 80's to early 90's to it's now first person mode with the dawn of 2000, Metroid's gameplay has definitely gone through major reconstruction to give players a new way to take our space exploring heroin. Unfortunately with the fall of Retro Studios, the designers of the critically acclaimed Metroid Prime Trilogy, the series has a whole has been collecting dust in Nintendo's dusty basement.(I think it's fair to say we can forget all about The Other M) To that I beg Nintendo try and revive the series somehow so we can get our favorite badass alien-fighting bitch back in action even in the 2D setting.

With this year's E3 doing very little to quench our thirst of Samus, Nintendo decided to debut Metroid Prime Federation Force and the general consensus is that Nintendo is spitting in the face of fans. I kid you not, there is actually a petition to cancel the game going on. Here is it below...

Many fans, myself included, are demanding that Nintendo revive the Prime series with a true successor or to start anew with a brand new story. Either way fans aren't pleased with this which brings me to the point of this post.

I honestly think that Nintendo could benefit greatly by giving fans a 2D project as well to satisfy our need for Samus Aran. Going back to its roots to give us a solid game that could keep us busy for days on end is seriously what Nintendo needs to do now and it's very possible to do with their very successful handheld console. While Nintendo is definitely trying to push the Wii U and even work hard at the new NX project, they are definitely not giving their prized series the attention that it needs to really help push the company forward. Nintendo was smart to give their company mascots that are exclusive to only their consoles. Microsoft and Sony have proved for the most part that they aren't creative enough in the sense that they can give us something on the level Nintendo can, so it's definitely a wise decision to utilize their ever-growing arsenal of staple characters.

Nintendo brilliantly revived the Donkey Kong series with Donkey Kong Country Returns going back to its roots, so why can't they do it with the Metroid series? Fans, while not completely enthusiastic, would get something out a classic style Metroid game that could really help breathe life back into the company, showing that even with the disbanding of Retro Studios Nintendo has complete control over the series. Before Metroid went into the first person mode, fans still loved the games. A giant space themed dungeon with puzzles, aliens and epic boss fights? You bet I'm all over that. Being a first person shooter wasn't what brought me into the series, it was just a major bonus.

So while plenty of people argue that Metroid Prime should be revived, I just feel Nintendo should go back to classic Metroid if they're not confident that they could accomplish something on the same level. Just give us Samus back. We don't need a backstory, for why she is the way she is, hell we don't even need her to really speak. We just need a solid game again. I mean what Metroid fan doesn't enjoy this game?

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Pollocabra's E3 Coverage: Square Enix Edition!

I'm just going to say this now, I wasn't looking forward to this conference whatsoever and Square Enix definitely didn't live up to anyone's expectations during this panel either. With a poor showcasing, little info on any of the games in particular and a majority of non English speaking staff, why even bother going on stage in the first place?

While I've never touched the series the Just Cause series definitely has a strong following and Square showed fans great footage of the game that they can look forward to.

A sequel to the cult classic Neir: @!#$%&(And I type that because I don't know what the heck that was supposed to be.) was shown briefly to fans with concept art and a look into one of the characters. With nothing more than a bit of info from the developer fans didn't really have much to go on with this.

Microsoft had already revealed the new Tomb Raider title for their X-box console so Square just really dived into the making of Lara Croft and how their graphics help give Lara more character.

With Square recently entering the mobile market, and one of the key focuses of their company now that it's helped pull them out of financial ruin, cell phone games are definitely a strong focus now. With Hitman Go, Hitman Sniper and Lara Croft Go people can now take control of Lara and Agent 47 on their mobile devices. Awesome. I wonder how much this is going to cost?

With the grand announcement of Final Fantasy VII's remake, Square also announce Final Fantasy VII for the iOS. Really? Why...? Aside from that Sony also really stole the thunder of this remake's announcement yesterday leaving Square with very little to discuss about this title besides that it's going to be a while.

Did anyone else hear the crowd before and after the announcement of Kingdom Hearts Unchained? Square managed to troll fans pretty hard with this trailer as they showed fans a pretty uninteresting looking mobile game for their phones. I swear I only heard 3 people clap after this trailer was finished.

But of course Square didn't fail to give the fans what they wanted as they immediately showed footage of the long awaited title Kingdom Hearts 3. With the last canon title coming out on the Playstation 2 fans were eager to see a continuation of the series and not another filler piece. Well all I can say is that the game looks nice... No release date though. So yeah...

I'm not even going to bother speaking about World of FF again as Square offered fans nothing interesting in this panel that wasn't already shown in Sony's.

I haven't actually played through a Star Ocean game, but seeing the capabilities in their new title Star Ocean Integrity and Faithlessness looked really nice. With a solid focus on fluid transition This game goes to be everything Final Fantasy XII should have been.

I know their is a strong following for the Dues EX series and fans watching the press conference of it won't be disappointed. The game looked fun, so there's that.

Was Project Setsuna even worth mentioning during the press conference? With little to actually talk about, Square gave use little more than a name to go with. Why...? And considering how Square is dishing out a lot of money into Final Fantasy XV, shouldn't they be focusing on making sure that's a good game to begin with? Prioritize Square Enix. Prioritize...

I was looking forward to Square giving me one thing and one things only. A release date for Final Fantasy XV. With it's production reaching a length of nearly a decade and nothing more than an upgrade to their demo, Square has been very hush hush about the project. Isn't the game slated to come out this year? Why bother making a demo without a release date in sight? Seems more like you made an alpha and wanted tester feedback. Then you shouldn't have sold it in one of your games... You had one job this E3 Square... One job...

Pollocabra's E3 coverage: Nintendo Edition!

This was probably the booth I was looking forward to most! Nintendo really took advantage of the digital event by adding plenty of comical moments to make their showcasing as entertaining as possible.

Nintendo's biggest title of the conference was their first announcement with the resurrection of the Star Fox series. With plenty of tribute to Nintendo's fabled Star Fox 2, Miyamoto showcased the game's capabilities that truly proved this will be a true successor to the series so we can all forget about the dinosaurs. With the ability to utilize the Wii U Gamepad to view the game from the cockpit, Nintendo is really showing the true potential the Wii U can offer to games for fans. The fact that we can use multiple vehicles in every mission, also gives the game great replay value as well. And Transformations! Who is not looking forward to this game? The fact that it's coming out this holiday is also showing that Nintendo is truly using E3 as the conduit it was meant for.

While I don't necessarily play Skylanders or collect the Amiibos(I'd like to save my money for games, thank you) Nintendo is really showcasing the true nature of what the Amiibos are for. Expanding gameplay. With very similar functions to Skylanders, which came out before the Amiibos did, Nintendo working with the creators of Skylander helps promote both the game and the use of Amiibos with the potential of collecting Amiibos for more than simply collecting them.

Was anyone else a fan of the Zelda Four Sword Adventures? I know I was! Despite it's near impossible requirements to play the game at all(You needed 4 gameboy advances, 4 games, and 4 person link cable for the first game and 4 gameboys, a gamecube, 4 adapters to the gamecube and the game itelself(Whew that's a mouthful!)) Nintendo finally did it right bringing this to to their wireless handheld consoles to really showcase the game's true potential. With the capabilities of the 3DS and the wireless connection function Nintendo can finally make the game playable and not a tedious trial. Sticking with 3 players instead of 4 also helps follow the theme of the Triforce needing three people and honestly gives the game a great flow to it without being too chaotic. With the game ultimately lacking the competitive value and focusing more on  co-op aspect(I kid you not I spent most of my time fighting with friends than playing) Nintendo really allowed this game to shine the way it was meant to. Plus who doesn't love accessorizing Link?

Nintendo teaming up with Koei Techmo was a brilliant decision as Hyrule Warriors made for an amazing game. With the nostalgia of Zelda, mixed with the chaos of Dynasty Warriors, Hyrule Warriors definitely brought a lot of fans of both series to awe with it's amazing game. Adding it to the 3DS definitely allows Nintendo to really showcase the capabilities of their handheld console and that they're nothing to shy away from. with the already booming success of their handheld consoles, this will definitely be a welcomed addition to their already large arsenal of games. Sorry Sony, your Vita still has a long way to go.

Fans of the series were desperately waiting for a new Metroid Prime title. Unfortunately they're still going to have to wait longer as we didn't actually get anything worth mentioning. Aside from a multiplayer game using the Metroid's name, we didn't actually get anything that would stand anywhere near close to Metroid Prime's fame. Sorry guys, looks like we're going to have to wait a little longer. Metroid Prime Federation Force isn't the game we're looking for.

Fire Emblem Fates, announced earlier this year another installment in Nintendo's long running tactics classic. With nothing more than a teaser trailer given to us, there isn't really much to say about this game that we haven't already read before. With a release coming out early 2016 in North America, and the game coming out in Japan next week, we can only wait for this baby to release.

Genei Ibun Roku FE... I actually had to look this title up online for about 10 minutes before I found out what this was because I don't speak or read Japanese. Why was this here...?

Nintendo showcased the sequel to their hit success Xenoblade Chronicles with their latest trailer for the new installment. Showcasing stunning visuals and some smooth gameplay, Nintendo defnitely sparked attention with their series.

Being that I'm not a fan of the Animal Crossing series (I hear it's good and I'm sure it is, I just don't want to lost my life in this game) this trailer didn't mean much to me, but I know people are problably losing their S@#$ over this. I think...

Showing us the trailer at 2014's E3, Nintendo is definitely bringing us one of the cutest games of all time with Yoshi's Wooly World. Serving as a true successor to Yoshi's Island and Yoshi Story, Nintendo is definitely prepared to give us a new title featuring everyone's favorite adorable dinosaur. My only issue is why Nintendo even bothered to show us this last year if they didn't have it ready by now...

Yo-Kai Watch. I've only read about this and how it stands on par in Japan with the epicness that is Pokemon. Collecting spirits and having them fight other spirits? Sure why not?

Mario & Luigi Paper Jam is the next installment in the Mario & Luigi RPG series with a major tie in with the cult classic Paper Mario(the spiritual successor of one of my favorite titles ever Super Mario RPG.) With the addition of the Paper world, this is sure to be an interesting game.

Was I the only person that enjoyed Mario Tennis? I don't know many people who really cared for it, but I thought it was fun. Seeing another installment in the series definitely seems interesting. Having them go giant in a tennis match?! Look out Wimbledon!

Super Mario Maker was also featured last year during E3, so seeing something else about sparked my attention but had me asking the same question I did with Wooly World. Why? You've already sold me on this, I don't want to see it again...

With a strong start to the series and more to come, Nintendo definitely brought an entertaining show for everyone to watch. Honestly I feel like they should have flipped the overall over of events around to end on a stronger note. My biggest issue with their panel was their mention of the NX. With the Wii U standing far behind Sony and Microsoft in the console battle, Nintendo has no need to worry about creating a new system so much as focusing on making the Wii U even better. Why worry about a new system when you can spend more time beefing up your current console?

Monday, June 15, 2015

Pollocabra's E3 Coverage: Sony Edition!

Sony definitely didn't let the fans down during their press conference as they dished out all the best exclusives they could to showcase their company's comeback after essentially losing the console war of the last generation.

The Last Guardian was rumored for quite some time, making its debut announcement during E3 of 2009. Fans were starting to speculate that the Shadows of the Colossus and ICO successor was never going to be. Luckily our prayers have been answered as Sony showed about 5 minutes worth of what can only be interpreted as intro gameplay to fans all around the world. With the light at the end of the tunnel in sight, Playstation fans can rejoice at the game's existence!

Alright, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought that this game looked beautiful but weird as hell. Man vs. Machine has been a common theme existing since before the internet was even commonly used, but Machine animals...? Not that I'm one to argue about this game, but the concept definitely seems weird. I'm glad that Sony showcased gameplay footage because if they didn't this game would probably not have gotten my attention at all.

Hitman has been a popular franchise for quite some time, so seeing it get a strong makeover is definitely interesting. With a movie like teaser trailer one can only hope the game on the PS4 is going to be able to keep up.

We got a glimpse of Street fighter 5 and how it's going to be a Playstation exclusive. Sony showed the audience two new characters giving fans 6 known characters at this moment. With Cammy and Birdie making their return, one can only hope to see more fan favorites make their return. Lets go Gouken!

While games have definitely evolved over the decades they've been around, it's still shocking how limited technology is with giving gamers a fully immersive experience in the game. No Man's Sky is definitely one of those potential ground breaking titles that could really enhance the way games are made today. With the near limitless possibilities for space exploration, this Universe-sized Sandbox exploration action game definitely makes me think of Star Trek and how I've always wanted to experience Space exploration. If we spent nearly as much money on NASA as we do on games, we might not be that far off from this possibility. Let's just hope Disney doesn't sue for that X-wing lookalike.

Media Molecule once again defied their limits with their latest game Dreams. Allowing players to essentially build a world from their imagination, this game, like No Man's Sky definitely pushes the boundaries of gaming to it's next step on the evolutionary line. This is definitely innovation and art taken to new limits!

While not necessarily showcasing much besides wonderful scenery Firewatch Exploration definitely gave me the desire to want to know more about what happens in this thriller type game that focuses mostly on isolation. Being along is creepy. Being alone with things apparently following you? Even creepier.

With Destiny being across multiple platforms, one can imagine why I was surprised to see Sony showcase a Destiny video. Sure everyone seems to love the game, with apparently 20 million people playing it all around the world, but why was this a Sony related news...? It's also interesting to note that during Sony's intro segment, about 80% of the games being shown in the montage were cross platform games. 

After the whole debacle with Ubisoft and the female character difficulties, fans were pretty outraged. This definitely was a curveball thrown as one of the main characters in the Assassin's Creed is in fact female. Nice going Ubisoft. Now was that so hard...?

World of Final Fantasy definitely stood out as a cutesy game that bordered on childish. Resembling Square's other successful title, Kingdom Hearts, World of Final Fantasy seems to go through several Final Fantasy titles (hopefully) with the reveal of FF7's protagonist Cloud Strife coming into action. With little more than cutscenes shown, I really have no idea what to expect from this title.

It's been 18 years since Final Fantasy VII's debut on the Playstation. While I already talked about it's impact in my Final Fantasy post a couple of weeks ago, I'm just going to touch on this lightly. I'm not excited for this. Honestly I don't think it's a strong move by Square given that they've only recently gotten out of what could be described as financial ruin. Being that Square tends to overspend on their projects, it's fair to assume that Final Fantasy VII's remake is going to be the biggest possible thing that they can dish out for fans. While I'm never one to argue about giving fans the best game possible, I can only wonder if right now is the best time to do it. With so much time and money invested in Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3, is it really safe to assume that Square is going to be able to complete this if XV isn't successful? With almost ten years on the line with this game, I can only imagine that XV is going to be a big gamble for Square Enix and that making FF7 is going to be risky. With all the terrible additions to the FF7 series, with Dirge of Cerberus being a terrible game, and Advent Children having a terrible story, I can only hope fans aren't disappointed if this game doesn't age well. Let's hope this works out...

While I have never played the Shenmue titles, I'm well aware that people have been demanding this game for years. Seeing how Sony was "generous" enough to give Yu Suzuki some screen time. I say generous sarcastically because with this Kickstarter Campaign, Sony and Suzuki have essentially said: "This is up to you guys. Support and fun this game so we can make it and you can buy it." My theory with Kickstarter and games/movies is that essentially the major companies aren't willing to dish out the cash to make these things because they're considered "risks" and that they want other people to do it. This is why I usually don't tend to supporting these things. It's not because I don't want the games, but I'm going to have to pay for it anyways, so why bother contributing?

With all the hype Batman Arkham Knight has been getting, and with only about a week away from its release (you bet I'm crapping my pants waiting!) Sony showcased a sample of some of the exclusive Scarecrow Missions fans are getting with the PS4 version. It looks terrifying. I'm definitely glad I picked PS4 over the Xbox One, because this is going to be great!

Virtual Reality is definitely a big deal nowadays with developers trying to take the next step into gaming as we know it. While Sony didn't exactly showcase anything like Microsoft did, they insisted that Sony wasn't ignoring this either. With gaming really only having VR left to dive into, one can only hope that eventually we'll get Holodecks like in Star Trek before the 24th century.

Sony has been desperately trying to dive into the media market with television and started something called the Playstation Vue to combat Comcast's near monopoly expansion. With the ability to subscribe to certain channels, fans now have the ability to watch television outside cable. We still have to buy our internet though.

Call of Duty has been a huge title for years now and hearing that Sony and Activision teamed up for Call of Duty Black Ops 3 means either two things. It's going to push more Playstation consoles, or it's going to mean a sudden drop in Call of Duty players. With Microsoft seeming to favor FPS games over anything else for the Xbox, one can only assume that fans will either jump onboard with Sony or drop the franchise altogether. Time will only tell. 

Is Disney Infinity still a thing?! I mean it was only natural that Star Wars would make it's eventual rise to the game since Disney owns Lucas now, but why waste stage time with this when you could showcase something else? I know I wasn't alone in this because I only heard like 2 people clapping out of sympathy and pity.

Did anyone else noticed the issue Uncharted 4 had during the showing? Is someone getting fired? I think so. Needless to say the game looks like it's last installments which means it's going to be fantastic. Since Microsoft acquired Tomb Raider, it's only natural that now we have Lara Croft and Nathan Drake fight each other in a battle to the death!

With all these heavy hitters from Sony making their debut to the platform, one can be pretty excited for what's to come! The only thing I'm sad about is not hearing anything about Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne... Stay tuned tomorrow as I cover Nintendo and Square Enix's Conferences! Thanks for reading!

Pollocabra's E3 coverage : EA/Ubisoft Edition

Electronic Arts(EA) has definitely been one of the companies I wanted to hear more from this year, specifically in one title alone. Nevertheless they brought forward some good candidates for games at this year's presentation, so let's talk about them!

Mass Effect Andromeda was definitely a strong contender in their arsenal. Being such a huge hit with their trilogy, this franchise definitely has a strong following with fans ready to play this. Unfortunately with nothing more than a teaser for this game, all fans can do right now is wait in anticipation for this title to be released.

EA's second title showcased was Need for Speed, their video game version of the Fast and Furious franchise without Vin Diesel and Paul Walker. With the very interactive customization offered, you can make your car your own as you build a reputation to being L.A's #1 driver with a reputation wanted by man. So you essentially get to build yourself up to being Vin Diesel minus the raspy voice and butt kicking muscles with lame puns.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is slated to get a massive expansion that's free for everyone to play. Seriously? This game is still out and running? I don't think I'm alone in this thought, but I wanted a separate single player or co-op campaign, that focused on a very driven story that could unfold in the way you wanted it to, not another segment of an already failing MMO game... Why...?

Unravel was definitely EA's artistic side coming out as they showed you a lovely creative game with a great message behind it. With an adorable presentation and exciting looking gameplay, I'm definitely pretty excited to see how this game goes and look forward to getting my hands on this title.

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2, aside from its lame introduction with a dancing zombie mascot, definitely brought a fun looking wacky shooter game to the table that felt unique and entertaining to watch. With all the exciting new content to see in this, I can definitely imagine this game will be a huge hit with the fans. Who doesn't love blowing up undead and garden creatures up with guns, right? With a solid work ethic EA's supporting with giving fans plenty of content and free updating means to give themselves an epic gaming experience, EA definitely intends for this game to act as more of an overall expansion to their series than a new game entirely, giving existing fans plenty to keep them wanting more. Why can't all companies be like this...?

EA's sport section was definitely large this year, featuring none other than Soccer legend Pele to talk about his love of Soccer, while belittling American football as well. With various sports games coming out this year, EA Sports definitely intends to bring you the most hands on interactive sports games you could play without actually having to go outside and do things! Now even I can feel like a pro athlete! One of the bigger things I actually got interested in seeing more of was the fact that FIFA16 is going to actually feature female athletes as well. I know that a majority of gamers tend to run in the male department(no offense ladies!) and that the evergrowing female population is even smaller for sports games, but needless to say, female athletes definitely don't get the attention they deserve, so I'm pretty excited to see how this is going to play out and whether or not this will be a decision they love or regret doing.

The ever expanding mobile market is definitely a strong source of lucrative business with gaming companies, so it's not surprise that EA is definitely trying to maximize their business in every category they can. With the convenience of people always having their phones on them, dropping a deuce has never been more entertaining! That being said, EA is definitely smart in maximizing their mobile titles, even using the ever popular Minions from Despicable Me to essentially bring customers another version of Farmville. Ohhhh... Wait...

While I haven't gotten into the first game Mirror's Edge Catalyst brings players an incredibly interactive experience with EA's new Frostbite engine (which is powering every game they showcased by the way) to brings players the largest most in-depth detailed world they can with limited load time. The fact that you can essentially free explore an entire city without needing to worry about in game loading options impresses me quite a bit, but makes me thing the initial start up of the game is going to run somewhere north of an hour. Here's hoping I don't die before I can start playing!

EA would save their biggest title for last... It's no surprise either. 2 months ago they announced the return of the ever popular Battlefront series. With nothing more that a teaser trailer running the game's engine, fans had little more than speculation at what to expect from this title. Honestly, I thought it could go either way. We were either going to be really impressed or really disappointed. I'm glad they listened to fans and showcased some ingame footage for us to see. All I can say is after watching that video, I needed to change my pants. Holy Moly... Looks like I have to get to preordering this game...

While not nearly as impacting on me as EA's press conference Ubisoft definitely didn't pull their punches this year with their panel, hosted by the lovely Aisha Tyler, we got to see quite a bit from devlopers about what's to come from them.

The unvailing of South Park's sequel title South Park Fractured But Whole (hehehe) is set to expand on where the first game The Stick of Truth left off. I can't say anything but wow to this game. Being such an avid fan of the last game, I can't wait to see what more the creators can do with a better processing console to run the already perfect game that was last gen's big hit. Considering how short the first game was, I'm only hoping that the sequel will be bigger and better otherwise I might have to hold off until it goes on sale because $60 for a short game definitely isn't a good deal...

Ubisoft debuted a new type of game focusing on the competitive market of gamers with their new Medieval Third Person battlefield title For Honor. You and a small group of friends take on the role of either Knight, Viking, or Samurai and fight your opponent's team to the death. I don't know about you, but that definitely sounded pretty amazing. Nothing like coming home after a long day of work to an epic battlefield where you can chop someone's head off, am I right?

Tom Clancy was definitely pretty profitable this year as he currently has not one, but three titles (two of which are MMO style games!) getting released sometime next year. Rainbow Six Siege, The Division and Ghost Recon, fans of Clancy definitely have quite a few games to look forward to. My impression on all of these titles is that rage will be fueling most of those players. I'd recommend getting some protection plans since this series will be troll filled. With Rainbow Six having a permanent death status when killed, you can imagine all the players throwing their controllers against their TV. The Division, a post-apocalyptic raiding simulator shooter, heavily emphasizes looking out for only yourself and will most likely be filled with nothing but trolls. Not expecting that is like playing GTA Online and expecting people not to kill you randomly. Clancy's last title Ghost Recon focuses more on the cooperative aspect of the shooter franchise having you work with your comrades to stop enemies. This probably seems like the only game that won't be having people rage quit, but I could always be wrong about that. Good luck guys, I like having my TV and controllers in good condition.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate! Seeing how I never follow anything revolving around the series, I can only say that I'm not surprised. With a new title coming out once a year, this has definitely become one of Ubisoft's staples in their company.

Trials Fusion Awesome Level Max A gun wielding cat on a fire-breathing horse? I'm sold.

City Builder in Space is like Sim City with the option of going to the moon. Seeing as how Sim City is currently in shambles right now, I can only say that this will definitely be a welcomed addition to a city simulator. I'll sure miss that Simspeak though...

Pollocabra's E3 Coverage: Microsoft Edition!

So I figured I would do a coverage report on E3 as it was going on, since I'm going to be watching it anyways. With Microsoft's conference panel they showcased quite a bit of content for the fans to enjoy. I felt like I would just cover the big things they announced since everyone is already writing on it too.

Dark Souls 3! Yes, I'm excited and my body is ready.

Anyone remember Sony's attempt at motion controllers with the Playstation Move? No? Yeah neither do I. Unveiling their big hardware project, Microsoft showcased their HoloLens product with the Minecraft game. This visor(which makes you look like Star Trek's Geordi La Forge) is essentially Microsoft's attempt to create an Oculus Rift, allowing players to take a step further into the gaming world. While it sounds like it'd be fun and interesting, I have no interest in playing God in Minecraft. This product overall sounds like it's going to be an incredibly expensive tool that looks cool, but like the Playstation Move, it probably won't sell nearly as many units. With the ability to play wherever you want, you could go anywhere. I doubt I'd want to trip over anything trying to move out of people's way looking as obnoxious as I would wearing that thing on my face. Honestly while it looks amazing, I highly doubt it will be a big hit.

So Rare did a showcase... All I can do is shake my head in sorrow as I look back at all that they've accomplished and see that they're essentially doing nothing with that now and that they've lost their former glory. While the Rare Replay collection sounds fun with over 30 of their epic titles, I only remember there being a few that were worth playing before. Banjo Kazooie, Conker's Bad Furr Day, Perfect Dark and Donkey Kong. While these titles, with the exception of Donkey Kong, are in this package, I was honestly hoping for something new with these titles. Instead we get a first person pirate MMORPG... Really?

Gears of War 4 was definitely a strong surprise. Seeing how the franchise's story ended with the third one, and a hell of a finish it was, I was definitely surprised(but not all that surprised) to see that Microsoft is planning another installment in the series. I guess if something it that good, keep milking it, right?

The fact that indie games are making huge waves in the gaming market is no surprise. We've had epic titles being released that have honestly surprised plenty of people as it is. This gives the little man a voice to be heard and a great chance to get their name out there in hopes of sharing their passion and love for games with us all. With Microsoft sharing this opinion as well they've opted to support the indie gaming world too. With this new program they're working on, fans can essentially play games before they're finished and help the developers enhance their experience to create the perfect game! That sounds pretty perfect to me. What? We have to pay for this service? Really? Microsoft wants to take our money yet again with this service as fans have to pay in order to utilize this service. Thanks...? This really makes our feedback seem welcome... The fact that they said "select games" as well gives me the impression that Microsoft is the team captain of the dodgeball team and is essentially picking and choosing who they want on their team with indie titles usually being the fat/lanky kid that nobody wants. Give the fans the right to pick a winner, that's our job, isn't it?!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Why is Caitlyn Jenner news?

So last week Bruce Jenner made the life altering choice to change himself to Caitlyn Jenner and the media took to this like the first oasis in a desert. The tabloids have been filled with nothing but how Bruce's transformation is shocking and the country has literally gone nuts talking about it. Honestly, as much as I'm an advocate for the choice of sexual identity, I'm pretty tired of the Kardashians and Jenners in the news. Seriously, why are they famous again?

Bruce's choice to do whatever he does to his body if his and his alone to make. It honestly isn't anyone's business and I don't know why people are making such a big deal about it. There have been plenty of other people going through the procedure who haven't ever gotten any screen time or done interviews. Hell I live in San Francisco, one of the most sexually ambiguous cities in the world. You could be anything or anyone you wanted. Between the furry orgies to the all day sex-themed festivals that happen here regularly, I'm honestly surprised the media is giving something as miniscule as this the attention it's been getting.

I mean sure I'm impressed that Bruce went through such a drastic life change at such a late age in his life, and that's gotta take a toll on the body with the hormones and drugs, and eventual operation (if it didn't already happen) so kudos on doing it so late. But giving it as much hype as it's been getting is ridiculous.

And one of the things that bugs me the most about all of this is that Caitlyn is getting all of this attention in the media about this sex change and isn't doing anything good with it. It'd be another thing if she intended to go around speaking at events that helped educate people on the matter and how important it is to individuals to feel comfortable in their own bodies, but Caitlyn is doing what all the other Kardashians are doing with their lives. Honestly not doing a single gosh darn thing to benefit the greater good bugs me. Go Caitlyn for living your own life, but get out of the spotlight. More important things need to be discussed.