Saturday, June 13, 2015

Pollocabra's E3 hopes and dreams (Prediction post)

With E3 coming up next week, I thought I'd spend this post talking about what I am and am not looking forward to. Since it's such a big gaming convention, there is usually a lot of hype and buzz about the new stuff coming out, so let's dive into it!

Star Wars Battlefront

This is a game I'm very interested in seeing an announcement about. With nothing more than a teaser trailer with the game's engine, we've actually seen little to nothing to go on besides sweet cutscenes. Seeing as how I'm a huge Star Wars fan, I'm really nervous to see how this game is done and what we can hope to expect on the latest gen hardware. If this blows my expectations out of the water, you can damn well be sure to take my money. I was a big fan of Battlefront 2 and definitely enjoyed playing it, and so you can imagine my anticipation for this release. Come on Disney/Marvel/Lucas/etc, don't let us down!

Final Fantasy XV

Square's nearly 10 year project. Anything other than a release date on this title is garbage news for me. With Square essentially leaving the tradition RPG genre for a new hack and slash style Kingdom Hearts hybrid, I've honestly lost the interest to even continue with a series that no longer has the appeal it once did. I'm going to guess Square is going to push this title to 2016 because they can't figure out what they like and don't like about the demo.


I grew up playing Banjo Kazooie on my N64 and loved every single bit of what Nintendo/Rare gave us. So you can imagine my sadness to hear that Microsoft wasn't planning on doing anything good with their acquired series(who has a Kinnect anyways?). I'm dying to hear something about this if anything. I know it's essentially a small indie title that might not get a whole bunch of spotlight at a big convention, but any more news or a demo about this game would be absolutely fantastic. Let it happen!

Dark Souls 3/Bloodborne DLC

No surprise here, I'm a glutten for punishment and can't wait to be spanked around in this game! With the recent release of Bloodborne earlier this year, you can imagine my surprise at From Software's announcement that Dark Souls 3 was already on its way and apparently slated for an early 2016 release (so the rumors have said.) Needless to say, between the expansion of Bloodborne, which I loved but thought was altogether too short, and Dark Souls 3, I'm going to have my fill of masochism for a while and love every second of it. My cnaldewax is ready!

Assassin's Creed/Call of Duty

I don't play these games at all, but I'm betting money on an E3 announcement about these titles and some sneak info about their newest title to the franchise. Here's hoping Assassin's Creed doesn't do a Samurai style game.

Monster Hunter X

While I enjoy the Monster Hunter games, and I know they have a strong following, I can't help but be overall displeased at Nintendo and Capcom's announcement that a new title was already underway for a series that in all honesty that has really time consuming games. With all the time and money people spend on the series, especially because it's somewhat online, it's a bit discouraging for me at least to spend so much time on a game, only to hear that a new one is already on it's way. If anything Capcom should release these games simultaneously for both Japan and other regions and give everyone the same amount of time to play these titles rather than nearly a year apart. I mean come on, how hard is it to have someone translate dialogue? It's not like you need to hire new voice actors, just have a small team work on text...

Devil May Cry 6(5)

I've been a huge fan of the Devil May Cry series since it debuted on the PS2. Nothing shouts awesome like a trenchcoat wearing, sword wielding, gunslinging, demon-infused, cheesy phrase dropping badass. Did I add enough adjectives in there? Hmmm yeah thatfeels pretty good. With nothing more than a title shot for Devil May Cry 6(I say 6 because I actually liked the D.M.C reboot and definitely consider it worthy of continuation) and several rereleases of older games, here's hoping we see something else about it this year!

Street Fighter 5

With how popular the series is and it's really strong comeback, I'm sure we'll see something new about Capcom's biggest title. I'm being overly optimistic, but I'm hoping we get a solid release date and maybe some sneak previews at more characters to come in the butt-kicking series, but we'll see. Would be cool.

Tekken 7

Being that the arcade edition already came out in Japan, I'm pretty sure Bandai/Namco will give us a release date prediction about the home console version. Whether or not it's coming out late 2015 or 2016 is still up for grabs. My hunch is on next year.

Fallout 4

Nothing takes away the stress like wandering a nuclear wasteland laying waste to mutants, raiders and giant roaches like the Fallout series. After a long day of whatever I'm doing, you can bet I wanna use my V.A.T.S to blow peoples heads off in this post-apocalyptic masterpiece. I'm not hopeful, but I would love a 2015 release please.

Silent Hills

A shot in the dark I know, but I would love to see this project get made. If I had the funds I would sponsor the damn game myself. Such a shame... Big names like Kojima and Del Toro with Reedus?! The more I think about it, the more it kind of feels like it was too good to be true anyways.


With Ruby and Sapphire getting their remakes released late last year, I'm kind of expecting Game Freak to come out with a Gen 7 sometime soon. I'm honestly just looking to see what else they'll do with the franchise and if there is a possible end in sight. We'll see... All I know is I'm a little tired of trying to catch them all. I know we're to expect some news on the new Mystery Dungeon game already, so all there is left to do about this is hear what Game Freak and Nintendo have to say on this matter. Pokemon MMO?! I want to abandon my life to play this.

Metroid Prime/Classic Metroid reboot

I'm honestly hoping we get something along the lines of a revival for this series. Nothing broke barriers like Metroid did for the classic NES and SNES. With epic gameplay, fun dungeons/puzzles, This series deserves more justice than what Other M brought it. I'm honestly hoping they port this trilogy to the 3DS and release a WiiU title as that could do wonders for Nintendo, bringing a lot of people back. Let it happen Nintendo!

Star Fox

With Star Fox for the SNES and N64 being such huge hits, it's only normal that one would have high expectations of a new Star Fox title. It's such a shame that the last titles in this series were such epic let downs. After Nintendo's announcement at E3 2014, I'm honestly hoping we get some solid news from Nintendo about this series that could potentially bring them back on the market.

Zelda Wii U

There is already a lot of news about this game, so honestly I'm just hoping we get a release date on this title and they do away with that lousy stamina bar. I enjoy the Zelda titles with an actual controller as opposed to a terrible motion joystick. I'm sick of the demos about this game and just want it out already.


Was I one of the only people who actually enjoyed Mario Sunshine? Aside from the water gun aspect of the game, the whole thing felt really nostalgic, giving me big flashes of Super Mario 64 and why I loved the game so much. With Mario Galaxy giving me a massive headache with the crazy camera changes, I'm hoping Nintendo does something a lot simpler with our favorite plumber and give us another really good adventure game. Please?


I was one of the few people that actually enjoyed D.M.C the reboot. Being that I enjoyed the gameplay, style and music, you can imagine when I heard Ninja Theory and Combichrist were working together again that I'd be amped for this game too. So honestly I'm hoping we hear something awesome about this game too.

Wow, so this list was definitely longer than I thought it would be. Here's hoping that everyone gets what they hope for with 2015's E3 and wish for the best! I'll post an update after the week is over to see if I got any of these right and talk about what I've been surprised about that I'm looking forward to. Anything you guys are excited to see/hear/or play? Please leave a comment and let's chat about it! Thanks for reading!

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