Friday, June 19, 2015

Metroid's Resurrection and why a 2D game would be fine too

Since Nintendo's jump into the video game market, the Metroid series has been a big part of their history. With a major title on nearly every console, the series definitely has a longstanding history with Nintendo as one of their core titles. Nintendo even broke boundaries with the option to make Samus Aran a female, making her one of the original female protagonists in the gaming world. With the evolution of gaming, games are constantly pushing the boundaries on what current technology is capable of and Metroid is also one of the titles that has undergone one of these major changes. From a 2D side scrolling platform in the late 80's to early 90's to it's now first person mode with the dawn of 2000, Metroid's gameplay has definitely gone through major reconstruction to give players a new way to take our space exploring heroin. Unfortunately with the fall of Retro Studios, the designers of the critically acclaimed Metroid Prime Trilogy, the series has a whole has been collecting dust in Nintendo's dusty basement.(I think it's fair to say we can forget all about The Other M) To that I beg Nintendo try and revive the series somehow so we can get our favorite badass alien-fighting bitch back in action even in the 2D setting.

With this year's E3 doing very little to quench our thirst of Samus, Nintendo decided to debut Metroid Prime Federation Force and the general consensus is that Nintendo is spitting in the face of fans. I kid you not, there is actually a petition to cancel the game going on. Here is it below...

Many fans, myself included, are demanding that Nintendo revive the Prime series with a true successor or to start anew with a brand new story. Either way fans aren't pleased with this which brings me to the point of this post.

I honestly think that Nintendo could benefit greatly by giving fans a 2D project as well to satisfy our need for Samus Aran. Going back to its roots to give us a solid game that could keep us busy for days on end is seriously what Nintendo needs to do now and it's very possible to do with their very successful handheld console. While Nintendo is definitely trying to push the Wii U and even work hard at the new NX project, they are definitely not giving their prized series the attention that it needs to really help push the company forward. Nintendo was smart to give their company mascots that are exclusive to only their consoles. Microsoft and Sony have proved for the most part that they aren't creative enough in the sense that they can give us something on the level Nintendo can, so it's definitely a wise decision to utilize their ever-growing arsenal of staple characters.

Nintendo brilliantly revived the Donkey Kong series with Donkey Kong Country Returns going back to its roots, so why can't they do it with the Metroid series? Fans, while not completely enthusiastic, would get something out a classic style Metroid game that could really help breathe life back into the company, showing that even with the disbanding of Retro Studios Nintendo has complete control over the series. Before Metroid went into the first person mode, fans still loved the games. A giant space themed dungeon with puzzles, aliens and epic boss fights? You bet I'm all over that. Being a first person shooter wasn't what brought me into the series, it was just a major bonus.

So while plenty of people argue that Metroid Prime should be revived, I just feel Nintendo should go back to classic Metroid if they're not confident that they could accomplish something on the same level. Just give us Samus back. We don't need a backstory, for why she is the way she is, hell we don't even need her to really speak. We just need a solid game again. I mean what Metroid fan doesn't enjoy this game?

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