Monday, June 15, 2015

Pollocabra's E3 Coverage: Sony Edition!

Sony definitely didn't let the fans down during their press conference as they dished out all the best exclusives they could to showcase their company's comeback after essentially losing the console war of the last generation.

The Last Guardian was rumored for quite some time, making its debut announcement during E3 of 2009. Fans were starting to speculate that the Shadows of the Colossus and ICO successor was never going to be. Luckily our prayers have been answered as Sony showed about 5 minutes worth of what can only be interpreted as intro gameplay to fans all around the world. With the light at the end of the tunnel in sight, Playstation fans can rejoice at the game's existence!

Alright, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought that this game looked beautiful but weird as hell. Man vs. Machine has been a common theme existing since before the internet was even commonly used, but Machine animals...? Not that I'm one to argue about this game, but the concept definitely seems weird. I'm glad that Sony showcased gameplay footage because if they didn't this game would probably not have gotten my attention at all.

Hitman has been a popular franchise for quite some time, so seeing it get a strong makeover is definitely interesting. With a movie like teaser trailer one can only hope the game on the PS4 is going to be able to keep up.

We got a glimpse of Street fighter 5 and how it's going to be a Playstation exclusive. Sony showed the audience two new characters giving fans 6 known characters at this moment. With Cammy and Birdie making their return, one can only hope to see more fan favorites make their return. Lets go Gouken!

While games have definitely evolved over the decades they've been around, it's still shocking how limited technology is with giving gamers a fully immersive experience in the game. No Man's Sky is definitely one of those potential ground breaking titles that could really enhance the way games are made today. With the near limitless possibilities for space exploration, this Universe-sized Sandbox exploration action game definitely makes me think of Star Trek and how I've always wanted to experience Space exploration. If we spent nearly as much money on NASA as we do on games, we might not be that far off from this possibility. Let's just hope Disney doesn't sue for that X-wing lookalike.

Media Molecule once again defied their limits with their latest game Dreams. Allowing players to essentially build a world from their imagination, this game, like No Man's Sky definitely pushes the boundaries of gaming to it's next step on the evolutionary line. This is definitely innovation and art taken to new limits!

While not necessarily showcasing much besides wonderful scenery Firewatch Exploration definitely gave me the desire to want to know more about what happens in this thriller type game that focuses mostly on isolation. Being along is creepy. Being alone with things apparently following you? Even creepier.

With Destiny being across multiple platforms, one can imagine why I was surprised to see Sony showcase a Destiny video. Sure everyone seems to love the game, with apparently 20 million people playing it all around the world, but why was this a Sony related news...? It's also interesting to note that during Sony's intro segment, about 80% of the games being shown in the montage were cross platform games. 

After the whole debacle with Ubisoft and the female character difficulties, fans were pretty outraged. This definitely was a curveball thrown as one of the main characters in the Assassin's Creed is in fact female. Nice going Ubisoft. Now was that so hard...?

World of Final Fantasy definitely stood out as a cutesy game that bordered on childish. Resembling Square's other successful title, Kingdom Hearts, World of Final Fantasy seems to go through several Final Fantasy titles (hopefully) with the reveal of FF7's protagonist Cloud Strife coming into action. With little more than cutscenes shown, I really have no idea what to expect from this title.

It's been 18 years since Final Fantasy VII's debut on the Playstation. While I already talked about it's impact in my Final Fantasy post a couple of weeks ago, I'm just going to touch on this lightly. I'm not excited for this. Honestly I don't think it's a strong move by Square given that they've only recently gotten out of what could be described as financial ruin. Being that Square tends to overspend on their projects, it's fair to assume that Final Fantasy VII's remake is going to be the biggest possible thing that they can dish out for fans. While I'm never one to argue about giving fans the best game possible, I can only wonder if right now is the best time to do it. With so much time and money invested in Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3, is it really safe to assume that Square is going to be able to complete this if XV isn't successful? With almost ten years on the line with this game, I can only imagine that XV is going to be a big gamble for Square Enix and that making FF7 is going to be risky. With all the terrible additions to the FF7 series, with Dirge of Cerberus being a terrible game, and Advent Children having a terrible story, I can only hope fans aren't disappointed if this game doesn't age well. Let's hope this works out...

While I have never played the Shenmue titles, I'm well aware that people have been demanding this game for years. Seeing how Sony was "generous" enough to give Yu Suzuki some screen time. I say generous sarcastically because with this Kickstarter Campaign, Sony and Suzuki have essentially said: "This is up to you guys. Support and fun this game so we can make it and you can buy it." My theory with Kickstarter and games/movies is that essentially the major companies aren't willing to dish out the cash to make these things because they're considered "risks" and that they want other people to do it. This is why I usually don't tend to supporting these things. It's not because I don't want the games, but I'm going to have to pay for it anyways, so why bother contributing?

With all the hype Batman Arkham Knight has been getting, and with only about a week away from its release (you bet I'm crapping my pants waiting!) Sony showcased a sample of some of the exclusive Scarecrow Missions fans are getting with the PS4 version. It looks terrifying. I'm definitely glad I picked PS4 over the Xbox One, because this is going to be great!

Virtual Reality is definitely a big deal nowadays with developers trying to take the next step into gaming as we know it. While Sony didn't exactly showcase anything like Microsoft did, they insisted that Sony wasn't ignoring this either. With gaming really only having VR left to dive into, one can only hope that eventually we'll get Holodecks like in Star Trek before the 24th century.

Sony has been desperately trying to dive into the media market with television and started something called the Playstation Vue to combat Comcast's near monopoly expansion. With the ability to subscribe to certain channels, fans now have the ability to watch television outside cable. We still have to buy our internet though.

Call of Duty has been a huge title for years now and hearing that Sony and Activision teamed up for Call of Duty Black Ops 3 means either two things. It's going to push more Playstation consoles, or it's going to mean a sudden drop in Call of Duty players. With Microsoft seeming to favor FPS games over anything else for the Xbox, one can only assume that fans will either jump onboard with Sony or drop the franchise altogether. Time will only tell. 

Is Disney Infinity still a thing?! I mean it was only natural that Star Wars would make it's eventual rise to the game since Disney owns Lucas now, but why waste stage time with this when you could showcase something else? I know I wasn't alone in this because I only heard like 2 people clapping out of sympathy and pity.

Did anyone else noticed the issue Uncharted 4 had during the showing? Is someone getting fired? I think so. Needless to say the game looks like it's last installments which means it's going to be fantastic. Since Microsoft acquired Tomb Raider, it's only natural that now we have Lara Croft and Nathan Drake fight each other in a battle to the death!

With all these heavy hitters from Sony making their debut to the platform, one can be pretty excited for what's to come! The only thing I'm sad about is not hearing anything about Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne... Stay tuned tomorrow as I cover Nintendo and Square Enix's Conferences! Thanks for reading!

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