Monday, June 15, 2015

Pollocabra's E3 Coverage: Microsoft Edition!

So I figured I would do a coverage report on E3 as it was going on, since I'm going to be watching it anyways. With Microsoft's conference panel they showcased quite a bit of content for the fans to enjoy. I felt like I would just cover the big things they announced since everyone is already writing on it too.

Dark Souls 3! Yes, I'm excited and my body is ready.

Anyone remember Sony's attempt at motion controllers with the Playstation Move? No? Yeah neither do I. Unveiling their big hardware project, Microsoft showcased their HoloLens product with the Minecraft game. This visor(which makes you look like Star Trek's Geordi La Forge) is essentially Microsoft's attempt to create an Oculus Rift, allowing players to take a step further into the gaming world. While it sounds like it'd be fun and interesting, I have no interest in playing God in Minecraft. This product overall sounds like it's going to be an incredibly expensive tool that looks cool, but like the Playstation Move, it probably won't sell nearly as many units. With the ability to play wherever you want, you could go anywhere. I doubt I'd want to trip over anything trying to move out of people's way looking as obnoxious as I would wearing that thing on my face. Honestly while it looks amazing, I highly doubt it will be a big hit.

So Rare did a showcase... All I can do is shake my head in sorrow as I look back at all that they've accomplished and see that they're essentially doing nothing with that now and that they've lost their former glory. While the Rare Replay collection sounds fun with over 30 of their epic titles, I only remember there being a few that were worth playing before. Banjo Kazooie, Conker's Bad Furr Day, Perfect Dark and Donkey Kong. While these titles, with the exception of Donkey Kong, are in this package, I was honestly hoping for something new with these titles. Instead we get a first person pirate MMORPG... Really?

Gears of War 4 was definitely a strong surprise. Seeing how the franchise's story ended with the third one, and a hell of a finish it was, I was definitely surprised(but not all that surprised) to see that Microsoft is planning another installment in the series. I guess if something it that good, keep milking it, right?

The fact that indie games are making huge waves in the gaming market is no surprise. We've had epic titles being released that have honestly surprised plenty of people as it is. This gives the little man a voice to be heard and a great chance to get their name out there in hopes of sharing their passion and love for games with us all. With Microsoft sharing this opinion as well they've opted to support the indie gaming world too. With this new program they're working on, fans can essentially play games before they're finished and help the developers enhance their experience to create the perfect game! That sounds pretty perfect to me. What? We have to pay for this service? Really? Microsoft wants to take our money yet again with this service as fans have to pay in order to utilize this service. Thanks...? This really makes our feedback seem welcome... The fact that they said "select games" as well gives me the impression that Microsoft is the team captain of the dodgeball team and is essentially picking and choosing who they want on their team with indie titles usually being the fat/lanky kid that nobody wants. Give the fans the right to pick a winner, that's our job, isn't it?!

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